"And the way that we feel might have to be sacrificed"
nothing much to do here
~20/02/13 rejoin pack: memoryloss09, memoryloss14, memoryloss17, adonis09, adonis18, ange06, angelcage110, angelcage207, angelcage210, colorwalk207, einsatz04, glitter06, guardians05, hanamachi19, heian04, kiminozo11, pop120, pop204, prince16, schoolboys09, vampires19, 10 renown, 1 coupon button donation: rain07, heibon08, waterlily08, blackmail15, rukh20, void03, mimikko108, queencandidates04, familiar16, judgement20, concert03, whiteflower15, glitter02, prettysoldier116, prettysoldier206, magicknights204, targetnights08, clover11, astrology417, heibon06, celestial06, totori01, meruru17, fullblossom04, fullblossom06, prettysoldier402, zero213, revolution19, elemia10, greenglass02 updates: souledge103, courtroom111, healedhearts17, zero212, heibon18, rukh05, familiar12, childhoodfriends19, hostclub09, memoryloss01, courtroom205, poison17, kiminozo05~21/02/13 card swap: kiminozo11, guardians05 for memoryloss04, 3rdstory01 level badge donation: souledge109, colorwalk515, rainbownotes08, justice06, 1 renown color wheel: concert08, moonprincess10, kiminozo12 series id: astrology406, timestranger03, crimsongaze09, 2 renown lost green: greenglass09, justice10 freebies: greenglass19, endearth19, hachiyou02, 5 renown lottery: blueprince14, feathers217 hangman: revolution16, mimikko211, 1 renown puzzle: catchme104, leafe20, 1 coupon trivial: bodyguards19, souledge116, void11 memory: magicknights219, judgement10, glitter02 portrait: elemia04, exorcist19, kiminozo07, 2 renown artist block: dragonrings208, queencandidates01, hachiyou05, 1 renown card puzzle: mimikko119, sweetdreams18 pixel perfect: fullblossom16, blk05, contract07, 1 renown jigsaw: heartegg119, elemia06, 1 coupon dress up contest participation: blueprince09, fateofheart15, angelcage220 icon contest participation: prettysoldier515, memoryloss07, heibon11 collaboration: blackmail13, oddsandends03, boyslove04 lost purple: thanatos02, leafe02 lost blue: feathers213, mimikko107 trade with Lethe: magicknights204, angelcage110 for astrology413, memoryloss03 (02) deck donation: souledge109, healedhearts07, guardians04, leafe18, diva02, goldensound04, catchme117, heartkeys07, revolution07, blk14, blk06, prettysoldier119, endearth01, ange17, rukh19, prettysoldier407, astrology115, pop218, script07, darkhour04, thanatos08, 3rdstory04, goddess114, vampires20, 1 renown (x06) trade with Roax: familiar12, familiar16, heibon06, heibon08, heibon11, heibon18, rukh05, rukh19, rukh20, souledge103, souledge116 for 3rdstory10, astrology210, darkhour02, darkhour13, darkhour20, catchme207, memoryloss02, prettysoldier301, prettysoldier319, vampires04, vampires08 (13) trade with Miyuki: oddsandends03 for my astrology220 (14) trade with Renako: blk05, blk06, celestial06, catchme104, catchme117 for memoryloss06, vampires18, meruru11, exorcist13, prettysoldier315 (19)
~22/02/13 trade with Sealand: courtroom111 for vampires13 (20) trade with Samichan: vampires15, samichan01 for astrology417, saku01 (22) trade with Elysa: ange06, fullblossom04 for memoryloss11, vampires02 (24) trade with Mousey: revolution19, magicknights219, saku01 for astrology211, memoryloss16, mousey01 (27) trade with „Rassidy: heartegg119, rainbownotes08, saku01 for vampires12, prettysoldier307, cassidy01 (30) artist notes: angelcage119, adonis07, mimikko218 restoration: meruru02, heian04, adonis13, meruru10, 2 renown
~23/02/13 trade with Chii: contract07, goddess114, healedhearts07, saku01 for astrology204, 3rdstory17, 3rdstory20, chii01 (34) trade with Mina: colorwalk207, colorwalk515, saku01 for memoryloss18, astrology215, mina01 (37) trade with Rahenna: thanatos02, blueprince09, schoolboys09, judgement10, judgement20, queencandidates01 for memoryloss19, astrology208, astrology202, 3rdstory05, 3rdstory11, 3rdstory13 (43)
~24/02/13 color wheel: heian14, hachiyou03, goddess112 series id: 3rdstory16, heartegg209, 3rdstory10, 2 renown freebies: queencandidates10, moonprincess05, zodiac07, 5 renown lottery: hachiyou12 hangman: colorwalk206, phantomthief02, 1 renown puzzle: adonis19, healedhearts17, 1 coupon referral reward: justice18, platinum11, redprince08 update: princessroom07, saiunkoku07, suzuhira08
~26/02/13 group collect: destiny10, endearth15, elemia06 restoration: idol06, astrology307, targetnights02, courtroom106, 2 renown artist notes: leafe02, clover10, angelcage220 trade with Rikka: mimikko107, mimikko108, mimikko119, mimikko211 for vampires01, meruru09, astrology213, astrology217 (47) trade with Chupi: blk14, saku01 for darkhour15, chupi01 (49) trade with Lethe: angelcage119 for vampires07 (50) doubles exchange: angelcage220, elemia06, glitter02, heian04, leafe02 for targetnights05, revolution03, sixteen05, astrology408, queencandidates15 level up: memoryloss05, memoryloss10, memoryloss13, sixteen11, magicknights118, prettysoldier307, astrology311
~27/02/13 trade with Roax: souledge109, hostclub09 for vampires03, darkhour11 (52) trade board: nightmare12, prettysoldier514, astrology219, 1 renown trade board: theologiae117, pop106, mafia13, 1 renown
~03/03/13 trade with Becca: theologiae117, waterlily08, saku01 for vampires17, meruru08, becca01 (55) trade with Dragoneyes: magicknights118, feathers217 for astrology218, vampires16 (57) trade with Auriianna: revolution16, script07, zodiac07 for vampires05, 3rdstory14, meruru10 (60) trade with Lethe: saku01, saku02 for lethe01, lethe02 (62) update: courtroom310, repeat08, infinity116 lost red: 3rdstory06, suzuhira14 vote: labyrinth13, dragonrings113, 1 Renown trivial: justice01, courtroom102, memoryloss14 artist block: hostclub17, prince01, ange04, 1 Renown portrait: mafia08, colorwalk420, parasite16, 2 Renown memory: firstlimit08, youreyesonly20, guardians04 pixel perfect: endearth09, rainbownotes10, prettysoldier119, 1 Renown card puzzle: script15, keyblade102 dress up contest participation: keyblade205, elemia12, feathers220 icon contest participation: astrology217, celestial12, totori16 doubles exchange: 3rdstory10, astrology217, guardians04, meruru10, prettysoldier119 for keyblade116, astrology207, prince06, etoile06, poison11 trade with Sealand: pop120, pop204, courtroom205, feathers213, saku01, saku02 for 3rdstory08, 3rdstory09, exorcist03, exorcist12, sealand01, sealand02 (68) trade with Roax: saku01, saku02, courtroom310 for 3rdstory18, roax01, roax02 (71) trade with Lethe: keyblade102 for darkhour19 (72) trade with Samichan: youreyesonly20, angelcage207 for 3rdstory15, 3rdstory19 (74) renown shop: celestial17, endearth09, idol14, rukh02, astrology103, astrology117, healedhearts19, heian05, magicknights116, symphony12, endearth12, etoile19
~05/03/13 trade with Auriianna: dragonrings113, saku01, saku02 for 3rdstory03, auriianna01, auriianna02 (77) trade with Elysa: exorcist13, infinity116, saku01, saku02 for 3rdstory07, prettysoldier312, elysa01, elysa02 (81) deck donation: sixteen10, celestial12, infinity109, childhoodfriends14, landmark16, fullblossom19, whiteflower09, moonprincess04, 2 renown group collect: ange12, concert02, mimikko112 lost blue: 3rdstory10, saiunkoku18 lost purple: mayonaka19, totori01
~10/03/13 motif: family14, clover08, wonderland15 lottery: arcadia01, goddess114, nightmare12, waterlily16, 1 Renown freebies: hostclub13, sacredsaga111, eternalnight13, 5 Renown series id: darkhour10, concert12, catchme110, 2 Renown restoration: magicknights111, rukh17, chronolog103, starcrossed105, 2 Renown color wheel: zero114, repeat16, eternalnight14 doubles exchange: 3rdstory10, celestial12, endearth09, nightmare12, totori01 for astrology102, elemia15, girlinwhite01, heartegg107, supercell15 trade with Senren: clover10, clover11, greenglass02, greenglass09, saku01 for 3rdstory02, darkhour06, prettysoldier303, prettysoldier306, senren01 (86)
~11/03/13 trade with Ajisaitea: astrology117, poison11, saku01, saku02 for astrology203, darkhour12, ajisaitea01, ajisaitea02 (90) trade with Samichan: angelcage220, saku02 for astrology206, samichan02 (92) trade with Shawnna: heartegg107, crimsongaze09, saku01 for 3rdstory12, meruru20, shawnna01 (95) level badge donation: zodiac16, rainbownotes19, metafalica20, queencandidates18, 1 renown collaboration: blueprince18, keyblade211, kimono12
~17/03/13 trade with Jojo: fullblossom06, saku01 for vampires11, jojo01 (97) trade with Lethe: zodiac03, zodiac16 for prettysoldier314, vampires06 (99) trade with Sheva: elemia15, saku01 for darkhour14, sheva01 (101) trade with Sealand: ange12 for meruru01 (102) trade with Kirsche: dragonrings208, endearth15, saku01, saku02 for meruru12, meruru18, kirsche01, kirsche02 (106) deck donation: colorwalk104, zloan06, theologiae206, whiteflower04, 1 renown deck donation: darkhour10, fateofheart14, bravo03, rebellion10, 1 renown deck donation: eternalnight08, greenglass02, kiminozo15, prettysoldier308, 1 renown deck donation: souledge118, greenglass13, roseprincess15, meruru12, 1 renown portrait: moonprincess16, sacredsaga105, feathers220, 2 renown artist block: girlinwhite02, waterlily20, leekes116, 1 Renown trivial: suzuhira10, clover07, void03 card puzzle: souledge114, contract11 pixel perfect: battledoll12, schoolboys11, family14, 1 Renown memory: fullblossom09, judgement12, courtroom117 jigsaw: prettysoldier119, blackmail16, 1 Coupon update: reachingyou03, rebirth18, boyslove06 update: prettysoldier302, heroicspirits11, carnelian118, leekes104 doubles exchange: family14, feathers220, healedhearts17, prettysoldier119, void03 for catchme306, catchme301, colorwalk102, rabbits02, healedhearts14 level up: memoryloss08, memoryloss15, memoryloss20, labyrinth09, pop204, blueprince09, landmark01 mastered memory loss: vampires10, catchme208, einsatz08, girlinwhite20, theologiae206 trade with dragoneyes: keyblade116, keyblade211 for boyslove05, meruru07 (108)
~19/03/13 trade with Becca: theologiae206, waterlily16, waterlily20 for heroicspirits04, rebellion12, exorcist15 (111) trade with Saya: adonis18, boyslove06, contract11, zero213, sacredsaga105, sacredsaga111, saku01, saku02 for heroicspirits03, roseprincess08, roseprincess18, rebellion13, rebellion18, meruru16, saya01, saya02 (119) trade with Dragoneyes: magicknights116 for heroicspirits07 (120) trade with Vena: childhoodfriends19, family14, idol14, saku01 for heroicspirits15, prettysoldier318, exorcist04, vena01 (124) trade with Mochibuni: hostclub13, hostclub17, saku01, saku02 for meruru19, rebellion02, mochibuni01, mochibuni02 (128) trade with Elysa: catchme110, catchme306, fullblossom09 for exorcist14, exorcist20, meruru05 (131) trade with Roax: rukh02, memoryloss14, justice01, justice06, totori16 for prettysoldier309, rebellion05, rebellion07, rebellion14, roseprincess07 (136) card swap: rain07, mimikko112 for vampires14, darkhour17 card swap special: leafe07, meruru15 renown shop: vampires09 mastered vampires: meruru14, colorwalk314, nightmare16, starcrossed119, supercell15
~26/03/13 trade with Pixeluna: mayonaka19, colorwalk102, saku01, saku02 for familiar12, heroicspirits20, pixeluna01, pixeluna02 (140) trade with Crazi: clover08, zero114, saku01, saku02 for meruru03, meruru13, crazi01, crazi02 (144) trade board: wonderland18, sacredsaga119, leafe06, 1 renown trade board: kiminozo08, heibon03, mayonaka09, 1 renown color wheel: catchme212, colorwalk211, mimikko204 freebies: magicknights108, parasite19, colorwalk114, 5 renown lottery: onmyouji12, whiteflower02 motif: hanamachi18, dragonrings109, heian01 series id: boyslove08, prettysoldier219, hokkan20, 2 renown puzzle: astrology115, prettysoldier405, 1 coupon update: spira02, animalparade11, radiant12
~09/04/13 color wheel: sacredsaga206, courtroom320, heartkeys09 restoration: firstlimit02, feathers202, familiar16, childhoodfriends04, 2 Renown freebies: zero110, dragonrings202, heroicspirits17, 5 Renown lottery: goddess120, celestial20, rorona04, sacredsaga119, 1 Renown motif: sweetdreams15, pop202, zero209 series id: prettysoldier208, waterlily02, infinity108, 2 Renown trivial: vampires13, timestranger03, heartegg220 portrait: judgement14, magicknights108, oddsandends08, 2 Renown artist block: catchme306, parasite14, healedhearts03, 1 Renown card puzzle: feathers206, courtroom217 pixel perfect: starcrossed208, mafia17, fullblossom16, 1 Renown vote: colorwalk116, exorcist04, 1 Renown lost red: thanatos09, adonis17 lost yellow: sixteen05, infinity120 puzzle: dragonrings217, hostclub15, 1 Coupon memory: courtroom310, script19, souledge107 lost blue: metafalica11, courtroom117 graveyard: astrology209, astrology214 group collect: poison03, princessroom01, magicknights111 update: justbefriends04, preciousstone16, purewhite220 trade with Ajisaitea: angelcage210, feathers220, heibon03, landmark01, landmark16 for catchme204, heroicspirits12, roseprincess05, roseprincess12, roseprincess16 (149) trade with Lethe: justice18, justice10, onmyouji12, spira02 for rebellion20, heroicspirits17, roseprincess10, heroicspirits18 (153) trade with Cici: celestial17, saku01 for familiar08, cici01 (155) trade with Elysa: hokkan20, infinity109, suzuhira08, saku03 for astrology205, astrology212, darkhour05, elysa03 (159)